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14th International Conference on Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine, will be organized around the theme “Redefining Health Care through Tissue Engineering”

Tissue Science 2022 is comprised of 18 tracks and 4 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Tissue Science 2022.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Biomedical engineering approaches to help aid in the detection and treatment of tropical diseases such as dengue, malaria, cholera, schistosomiasis, lymphatic filariasis, ebola, leprosy, leishmaniasis, and American trypanosomiasis (Chagas). Many different forms of non-invasive approaches such as ultrasound, echocardiography and electrocardiography, bioelectrical impedance, optical detection, simplified and rapid serological tests such as lab-on-chip and micro-/nano-fluidic platforms and medical support systems such as artificial intelligence clinical support systems are included in Biomedical Engineering Techniques.

Related Keywords: Tissue Science Meetings | Tissue Science Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Events | Tissue Science Exhibitions | Stem Cell Conferences | Cell Science Conferences | Tissue Science Congress | Regenerative Medicine Workshop | Tissue Science Symposium | Tissue Engineering Congress | Upcoming Tissue Science 2020 Conferences | European Tissue Science Conferences | Top Regenerative Medicines Meetings | Scientists | Researchers | Doctors


The Regenerative medicine market is expected to reach USD 38.70 Billion by 2021 from USD 13.41 Billion in 2016 at a CAGR of 23.6%.

The global market is broadly classified into types, therapy, application and regions. Based on types, the market is segmented into cell-based products and acellular products. The cell-based products is expected to dominate the global market in 2018.Based on therapy, the market is segmented into cell therapygene therapytissue engineering, and immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is the fastest growing segment in the global market, during the forecast period.

This market is also segmented by application. By application, the segments are orthopedic & musculoskeletal disorders, dermatology, cardiology, diabetes, central nervous system diseases, and other applications.

Related Keywords: Tissue Science Meetings | Tissue Science Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Events | Tissue Science Exhibitions | Stem Cell Conferences | Cell Science Conferences | Tissue Science Congress | Regenerative Medicine Workshop | Tissue Science Symposium | Tissue Engineering Congress | Upcoming Tissue Science 2020 Conferences | European Tissue Science Conferences | Top Regenerative Medicines Meetings | Scientists | Researchers | Doctors


Biobanks play a crucial role in biomedical research. The wide array of bio specimens (including blood, saliva, plasma, and purified DNA) maintained in biobanks can be described as libraries of the human organism. They are carefully characterized to determine the general and unique features of the continuous cell line and the absence or presence of contaminants, therefore establishing a fundamental understanding about the raw material from which the biological product is being derived and maintained. Biobanks catalogue specimens using genetic and other traits, such as age, gender, blood type, and ethnicity.

Related Keywords: Tissue Science Meetings | Tissue Science Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Events | Tissue Science Exhibitions | Stem Cell Conferences | Cell Science Conferences | Tissue Science Congress | Regenerative Medicine Workshop | Tissue Science Symposium | Tissue Engineering Congress | Upcoming Tissue Science 2020 Conferences | European Tissue Science Conferences | Top Regenerative Medicines Meetings | Scientists | Researchers | Doctors


Bone Tissue Engineering in the field of Regenerative Medicine has been the topic of substantial research over the past two decades. Technological advances have improved orthopaedic implants and surgical techniques for bone reconstruction. Bone tissue engineering is concerned with creating implantable bone substitutes for critical skeletal defects that cannot heal on their own. These defects are common clinical scenarios in orthopedics and craniofacial surgery, for the treatment of bone loss due to trauma, infection, and tumor resection. In the conventional tissue-engineering paradigm, combinations of cells and bioactive molecules are seeded onto three-dimensional biomaterial scaffolds to create an implantable ‘osteogenic’ implant.

Related Keywords: Tissue Science Meetings | Tissue Science Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Events | Tissue Science Exhibitions | Stem Cell Conferences | Cell Science Conferences | Tissue Science Congress | Regenerative Medicine Workshop | Tissue Science Symposium | Tissue Engineering Congress | Upcoming Tissue Science 2020 Conferences | European Tissue Science Conferences | Top Regenerative Medicines Meetings | Scientists | Researchers | Doctors

Human cell therapy and gene therapy is the administration of cellular and genetic material to modify or manipulate the expression of a gene product or to alter the biological properties of living cells for therapeutic use. Gene therapy is a technique that modifies a person’s genes to treat or cure disease. Gene therapies can work by several mechanisms: Replacing a disease-causing gene with a healthy copy of the gene, inactivating a disease-causing gene that is not functioning properly, introducing a new or modified gene into the body to help treat a disease.

Related Keywords: Tissue Science Meetings | Tissue Science Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Events | Tissue Science Exhibitions | Stem Cell Conferences | Cell Science Conferences | Tissue Science Congress | Regenerative Medicine Workshop | Tissue Science Symposium | Tissue Engineering Congress | Upcoming Tissue Science 2020 Conferences | European Tissue Science Conferences | Top Regenerative Medicines Meetings | Scientists | Researchers | Doctors


Stem cells have tremendous promise to help us understand and treat a range of diseases, injuries and other health-related conditions. Their potential is evident in the use of blood stem cells to treat diseases of the blood, a therapy that has saved the lives of thousands of children with leukaemia; and can be seen in the use of stem cells for tissue grafts to treat diseases or injury to the bone, skin and surface of the eye. Important clinical trials involving stem cells are underway for many other conditions and researchers continue to explore new avenues using stem cells in medicine.

Related Keywords: Tissue Science Meetings | Tissue Science Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Events | Tissue Science Exhibitions | Stem Cell Conferences | Cell Science Conferences | Tissue Science Congress | Regenerative Medicine Workshop | Tissue Science Symposium | Tissue Engineering Congress | Upcoming Tissue Science 2020 Conferences | European Tissue Science Conferences | Top Regenerative Medicines Meetings | Scientists | Researchers | Doctors

Deregulation of normal tissue repair has dramatic consequences for life quality and survival of patients. Together, insufficient healing (chronic wounds) and excessive repair after injury (scarring/fibrosis) cause healthcare costs reaching tens of billions of dollars per year in the US alone. Chronic and fibrotic healing occurs when the body’s own repair capacity is either impaired or overwhelmed. One approach in regenerative medicine is to replace injured, diseased or aged tissues with functional tissue equivalents. This approach is challenged by adverse host reactions that are part of the body repair program, e.g., immune, inflammatory, and fibrotic responses. Thus, regenerative medicine increasingly considers to support the adult's body's own regenerative capacities to promote closure of wounds that never heal and to keep excessive repair at bay. However, it is still unclear why humans lost regenerative capacity during evolution, whereas lower organisms can regenerate whole organs.

Related Keywords: Tissue Science Meetings | Tissue Science Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Events | Tissue Science Exhibitions | Stem Cell Conferences | Cell Science Conferences | Tissue Science Congress | Regenerative Medicine Workshop | Tissue Science Symposium | Tissue Engineering Congress | Upcoming Tissue Science 2020 Conferences | European Tissue Science Conferences | Top Regenerative Medicines Meetings | Scientists | Researchers | Doctors


Tissue Engineering (TE) is a scientific field mainly focused on the development of tissue and organ substitutes by controlling biological, biophysical and/or biomechanical parameters in the laboratory. The result corresponds, in most cases, to the elaboration of three-dimensional cellular constructs with properties more similar to natural tissues than classical monolayer cultures. These systems enable the in vitro study of human physiology and physiopathology more accurately, while providing a set of biomedical tools with potential applicability in toxicology  `7m j, medical devices, tissue replacement, repair and regeneration.

Related Keywords: Tissue Science Meetings | Tissue Science Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Events | Tissue Science Exhibitions | Stem Cell Conferences | Cell Science Conferences | Tissue Science Congress | Regenerative Medicine Workshop | Tissue Science Symposium | Tissue Engineering Congress | Upcoming Tissue Science 2020 Conferences | European Tissue Science Conferences | Top Regenerative Medicines Meetings | Scientists | Researchers | Doctors


Tissue engineering evolved from the field of biomaterials development and refers to the practice of combining scaffolds, cells, and biologically active molecules into functional tissues. The goal of tissue engineering is to assemble functional constructs that restore, maintain, or improve damaged tissues or whole organs.

Related Keywords: Tissue Science Meetings | Tissue Science Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Events | Tissue Science Exhibitions | Stem Cell Conferences | Cell Science Conferences | Tissue Science Congress | Regenerative Medicine Workshop | Tissue Science Symposium | Tissue Engineering Congress | Upcoming Tissue Science 2020 Conferences | European Tissue Science Conferences | Top Regenerative Medicines Meetings | Scientists | Researchers | Doctors

Anti-Aging Medicine is dedicated to the advancement of technological tools and breakthrough transformations in healthcare that can detect, treat, and prevent diseases associated with aging. The Anti-Aging medicine promotes the research of practices and protocols that collectively have the potential to optimize the human aging process, with the development of therapeutic protocols and innovative diagnostic tools that can effectively spur longevity treatments.

Related Keywords: Tissue Science Meetings | Tissue Science Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Events | Tissue Science Exhibitions | Stem Cell Conferences | Cell Science Conferences | Tissue Science Congress | Regenerative Medicine Workshop | Tissue Science Symposium | Tissue Engineering Congress | Upcoming Tissue Science 2020 Conferences | European Tissue Science Conferences | Top Regenerative Medicines Meetings | Scientists | Researchers | Doctors


Regenerative Rehabilitation is the integration of principles and approaches from rehabilitation and regenerative medicine with the ultimate goal of developing innovative and effective methods that promote the restoration of function through tissue regeneration and repair.

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In recent years, the potential of stem cell research for tissue engineering-based therapies and regenerative medicine clinical applications has become well established. In 2006, Chung pioneered the first entire organ transplant using adult stem cells and a scaffold for clinical evaluation. With this a new milestone was achieved, with seven patients with myelomeningocele receiving stem cell-derived bladder transplants resulting in substantial improvements in their quality of life. While a bladder is a relatively simple organ, the breakthrough highlights the incredible benefits that can be gained from the cross-disciplinary nature of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM) that encompasses stem cell research and stem cell bioprocessing.

Related Keywords: Tissue Science Meetings | Tissue Science Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Events | Tissue Science Exhibitions | Stem Cell Conferences | Cell Science Conferences | Tissue Science Congress | Regenerative Medicine Workshop | Tissue Science Symposium | Tissue Engineering Congress | Upcoming Tissue Science 2020 Conferences | European Tissue Science Conferences | Top Regenerative Medicines Meetings | Scientists | Researchers | Doctors

In soft tissue implants, as in other applications that involve engineering, the performance of an implanted device depends upon both the materials used and the design of the device or implant. The initial selection of material should be based on sound materials engineering practice. The final judgment on the suitability of a material depends upon observation of the in-vivo clinical performance of the implant. Such observations may require many years or decades. This requirement of in-vivo observation represents one of the major problems in the selection of appropriate materials for use in the human body. Another problem is that the performance of an implant may also depend on the design rather than the materials themselves. Even though one may have an ideal material and design, the actual performance also greatly depends on the skill of the surgeons and the prior condition of patients.

Related Keywords: Tissue Science Meetings | Tissue Science Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Events | Tissue Science Exhibitions | Stem Cell Conferences | Cell Science Conferences | Tissue Science Congress | Regenerative Medicine Workshop | Tissue Science Symposium | Tissue Engineering Congress | Upcoming Tissue Science 2020 Conferences | European Tissue Science Conferences | Top Regenerative Medicines Meetings | Scientists | Researchers | Doctors

Nanotechnology and Biotechnology may provide new strategies for regenerative medicine, including better tools to improve or restore damaged tissues, according to a review paper that summarizes the current state of knowledge on nanotechnology with application to stem cell biology. Researchers have found that the adhesion, growth, and differentiation of stem cells are likely controlled by their surrounding microenvironment, which contains both chemical and physical cues. These cues include the “Nano topography” and biotechnology of the complex extracellular matrix or architecture that forms a network for human tissues.

Related Keywords: Tissue Science Meetings | Tissue Science Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Events | Tissue Science Exhibitions | Stem Cell Conferences | Cell Science Conferences | Tissue Science Congress | Regenerative Medicine Workshop | Tissue Science Symposium | Tissue Engineering Congress | Upcoming Tissue Science 2020 Conferences | European Tissue Science Conferences | Top Regenerative Medicines Meetings | Scientists | Researchers | Doctors

Regenerative medicine is a branch of translational research in tissue engineering and molecular biology which deals with the "process of replacing, engineering or regenerating human cells, tissues or organs to restore or establish normal function.


Related Keywords: Tissue Science Meetings | Tissue Science Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Events | Tissue Science Exhibitions | Stem Cell Conferences | Cell Science Conferences | Tissue Science Congress | Regenerative Medicine Workshop | Tissue Science Symposium | Tissue Engineering Congress | Upcoming Tissue Science 2020 Conferences | European Tissue Science Conferences | Top Regenerative Medicines Meetings | Scientists | Researchers | Doctors

  • Track 16-1Nanoparticles
  • Track 16-2Decellularization
  • Track 16-3Blastocyst Complementation
  • Track 16-4Advanced Developments in Artificial Organ System

Biomaterials are being used for the healthcare applications from ancient times. But subsequent evolution has made them more versatile and has increased their utility. Biomaterials have revolutionized the areas like bioengineering and tissue engineering for the development of novel strategies to combat life threatening diseases. Together with biomaterialsstem cell technology is also being used to improve the existing healthcare facilities. These concepts and technologies are being used for the treatment of different diseases like cardiac failure, fractures, deep skin injuries, etc. 

Related Keywords: Tissue Science Meetings | Tissue Science Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Events | Tissue Science Exhibitions | Stem Cell Conferences | Cell Science Conferences | Tissue Science Congress | Regenerative Medicine Workshop | Tissue Science Symposium | Tissue Engineering Congress | Upcoming Tissue Science 2020 Conferences | European Tissue Science Conferences | Top Regenerative Medicines Meetings | Scientists | Researchers | Doctors

Gene therapy is an experimental technique that uses genes to treat or prevent disease and immunotherapy is the treatment to stimulate or restore the ability of the immune (defence) system to fight infection and disease. Genetic immunization refers to treatment strategies where gene transfer methods are used to generate immune responses against diseases like Cancer. Our growing knowledge of the mechanisms regulating the initiation and maintenance of cytotoxic immune responses has provided the rationale for the design of several genetic immunization strategies. Tumor cells have been gene-modified to express immune stimulatory genes and are then administered as tumour vaccines, in an attempt to overcome tumour cell ignorance by the immune system. With the description of well-characterized tumour antigens, multiple strategies have been proposed mainly aimed at optimal tumour antigen presentation by antigen-presenting cells (APC).

Related Keywords: Tissue Science Meetings | Tissue Science Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Events | Tissue Science Exhibitions | Stem Cell Conferences | Cell Science Conferences | Tissue Science Congress | Regenerative Medicine Workshop | Tissue Science Symposium | Tissue Engineering Congress | Upcoming Tissue Science 2020 Conferences | European Tissue Science Conferences | Top Regenerative Medicines Meetings | Scientists | Researchers | Doctors